Citrus Still Light Concept

An accidental idea

We have recently subscribed to Sun Basket a food delivery service that is getting some traction because of its home delivered healthy delicious meals. What we noticed is that the plastic jars were in good shape after they were washed and they looked like something we can make use of. The one-time use of the plastic jars also felt against our view on reducing plastic use in packaging and protecting the environment and the oceans from plastic pollution.

I have been thinking already of ways to design objects with recycled materials and a fusion of wood, metal and plastic. As I looked at the jars from the top, I started jotting down some ideas in Sketchbook. The round shapes reminded me of a cross section of a fruit. Then I looked at our fruit bowl and I thought of what would a modern fruit still life look like. Shortly thereafter I found myself shopping in Sprouts and I saw this yummy stand of citrus with jucy packaged slices next to them.ย 

I purchased one of each. Cut them across and snapped a long exposure picture with my IPhone on the green cutting board. Using the Photoshop app right on the phone I cut out the green background and I had my beautiful decals.

After couple of hours in Fusion 360 the wooden body took shape. Four Neopixel Jewels, an Adafruit Trinket arduino controller and a trip to Ace Hardware and the ย  Digital Still Life light concept model was complete.ย